13 January 2011

Two medication call for high blood pressure

A mix of medication is greater than a single a single in treating hypertension, a UK study has advised. etahaph havalalazman mtzlemayeroka

The study inside the Lancet concerned 1,200 folks and identified starting up remedy with two medication gave greater and more rapidly final results, with less negative effects.

The approach challenges typical professional medical practice exactly where health professionals give a individual a single drug, then add one more later if blood stress stays higher.

Almost 10 million folks inside the UK have hypertension.

Therapy with anti-hypertensive medication is recognized to cut back the chance of stroke and heart disease.

A group led by researchers on the College of Cambridge, College of Glasgow and College of Dundee followed 1,254 patients with hypertension in 10 countries.

They compared the effects of giving a single drug (both aliskiren or amlodipine) or even a mix of the two.

Patients offered the mix of medication had a 25% greater response during the 1st six months compared with individuals on typical remedy, the study identified.

This equates to a 6.5mm Hg greater reduction in systolic blood stress.

Participants have been also more unlikely to quit taking their medicine because of negative effects.

The two medication can be offered being a single pill, generating it easier for patients to get.

Professor Morris Brown with the College of Cambridge said the study "breaks the mould for treating hypertension".

He said: "Most patients can now be prescribed a single mix pill and know that they may be optimally protected from strokes and heart attacks."

The British Heart Basis, that is funding follow-up analysis, said excellent manage of blood stress is hard to attain in numerous patients.

Affiliate professional medical director Professor Jeremy Pearson said: "This study adds considerably towards the evidence that starting up remedy for patients with hypertension with two medicines rather than a single is safe, and much more helpful than waiting to add the 2nd medicine later."

The analysis was funded through the pharmaceutical firm Novartis, which makes amlodipine and aliskiren.

The mix pill was accepted through the FDA for use inside the US final year

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