05 August 2010

Beauty News 05.08.2010

Susan Henry’s Natural Color–Process:Beautiful, Chemical-free Hair Color
Do you love to change your hair color and to experiment with different hues but are sensitive to chemicals, fumes or concerned about the health consequences of putting ammonia in your body? In this world turned green, it is not surprising that more and more eco-friendly, natural hair dyes are surfacing. But do they measure [...]

A Swarm of Summer Tools: Part I
June in New York City is typically…well…perhaps typically isn’t the right word anymore. This year, June seems to be worse than August, which doesn’t bode well for the heat and humidity the next few months will surely dump on us. And through the hot mess that is the NYC summer, our feet will be beset [...]

GET: The ultimate pre-holiday preen

The Beach Babes treatment at Groom will have you holiday-ready in record time


The most fragrant way to travel: Penhaligon’s launch scented taxis!

Hail a Penhaligon’s cab and you’ll be taken on a fragrant journey!


Constant Cravings at the Catnip Cafe
It’s something your cats crave and if they don’t get it, they seem to bounce off the walls – catnip!

Shower Gels – The Sweet Scent of Summer Mornings
New York City in the summer is hot, hot, hot! We’re on the subways next to strangers trying not to get too close.

Choose a skin care regime Skin care routine skin care

Celebrity Hairstyles Poll: Can You Spot the Real Redhead?
In recent beauty news, a so-called redhead confessed that she's actually a blonde (hint: she's one of the three women pictured). It got me thinking, how many other red-haired stars don't have, ahem, matching carpet and curtains? totalbeauty

The 16 Worst Drugstore Makeup Products
See which clumpy mascaras and flytrap sticky lip glosses our readers urge you to stay away from. Isn't it the worst when you are super exited to try out that hot, new lipstick shade or the latest smoky eye gizmo, so you buy it and rush home or -- who are we kidding -- into your car to try it, only to be disappointed? Whether it's a chi chi product or a cheap makeup item, it's a bust either way. Spending any amount on makeup (even if it's only $1.99) that doesn't work is still a waste of money, not to mention it's really annoying. And no matter how affordable drugstore beauty products are, if they don't work, they're never a good deal. totalbeauty

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