28 April 2010

Latest Politic News 15.04

Obama urges bipartisanship on soaring deficits
President Barack Obama said Tuesday Washington must urgently confront unpleasant truths about deficits, while the Federal Reserve chairman said failure to mop up red-ink spending would "ultimately do great damage" to the country.

Obama asks 2008 coalition to help in 2010
Desperate to curtail expected widespread losses this fall, President Barack Obama pleaded with supporters of his 2008 campaign Monday to help elect Democrats as his aides intensified their focus on re-energizing his broad coalition of backers.

Obama meets with Israeli defense minister
President Barack Obama assured a top Israeli official Monday that the U.S. has an unshakable commitment to Israel's security despite recent tension over Jewish settlement construction in East Jerusalem.

Parties Defend Plans To Cut Deficit
David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Lord Mandelson have defended their parties' plans to cut Britain's £163bn deficit ahead of the final leaders' debate on the economy. read more

Dad's Fury At Cameron Over Tory Schools Plan
David Cameron has been confronted by the father of a child with special educational needs over his party's policy on schools. read more

Brown Apologises For 'Bigot' Gaffe
Gordon Brown has apologised after he was caught on microphone in an unguarded moment calling a grandmother "bigoted". read more


WATCH: Obama on GOP Filibuster: 'That's Not Right!'
Obama says Rep. opposition to allowing fin reform bill to be debated isn't right

Republican - United States - President - Barack Obama - Politics

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