18 March 2010

Cheaper auto insurance for female drivers

Interesting article about auto insurance for women

The fact that women are better drivers than men has been proven by recent insurance rates data.

Of course, this doesn't mean they are guaranteed low rates with the first quote they get. In order to find the best deal, women also need to shop around and compare rates.

Men may like to think they have the upper hand, but when it comes to car insurance goes, they simnply do not.. Auto insurance rates for women are almost always better value than those for men.

But why do women enjoy lower premiums?

Officials reports suggest that women are less likely to be high-risk drivers. Obeying the law, driving responsibly and complying with their auto insurance requirements, is something women are much more likely to do then men.

Men tend to be more dangerous drivers. Women, on the other hand, are less likely to commit a traffic violation intentionally. It is much less likely for a female driver to jump a red light or overtake dangerously.

Are women considered to be safer drivers?

Statistics show that yes, women are safer drivers than men. There are two main reasons for that, female drivers are normally more responsible and observant. Women pay more attention to other drivers and road signs than men do. Of course, being more observant helps women avoid traffic accidents. Statistics have shown men are the cause of accidents more frequently than women by more than 50%.

A lot of women are by nature extremely protective. Often, women drive their kids to school in the morning. The last thing they would want to do is drive dangerously and harm their child.

Another thing women are very protective of, is their jobs. For many women it is hard to land the higher paid positions. Having a traffic violation against them could very well result in the loss of their hard earned job. It is clear that being a careful driver is very important to most women, especially those who have a family and a career.

More and more dads are staying home and more women are pursuing a career, so things may change in the future. At least for now, women have the right to demand cheaper car insurance rates.

Here are more articles on the subject:
cheap car insurance for women
women pay less for car insurance

03 March 2010

SR-22 Insurance California 101

California Insurance Proof Certificate

SR22 insurance refers to a policy which requires the filing of an SR22 form. If you have to provide a proof of financial responsibility, your insurance company is obliged by law to submit such a form to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Note that a copy of your insurance or your insurance card can not replace an SR22 form and will not be accepted by the DMV as a sufficient evidence.

The minimum liability insurance requirements in California are:

* $15,000 for injury/death to one person
* $30,000 for injury/death to more than one person
* $5,000 for damage to property

Who needs SR22 Insurance in California?

There are two main reasons why you may be required to file a SR22 form. Driving under the influence (DUI) is the most common one. Causing an accident while driving uninsured is the other.Both reasons will mean that your driving license will be suspended. California's auto insurance law is one of the toughest in the country. Apart from taking part in a DUI program, a DUI conviction may mean a jail sentence too. One year without a license is the penalty for driving uninsured.

What is the SR22 filling period?

You will have to maintain a proof of financial responsibility for three years. You will have to pay a fine in order to get your license reinstated. During this period you will consider you to be a "high-risk" driver.If your filling period expires or your auto insurance in cancelled, the DMV will be notified by your insurance company. If you let your insurance lapse during these 3 years and SR26 form is submitted, your license will be suspended by the DMV.

Another important point is that California SR22 insurance is only valid for CA, because SR22 is state specific. If you move to another state, you will have to obtain another policy.

The sad reality is that due to SR22, your insurance premiums will go up. Shopping around for the cheapest option is your only choice.

For more information about SR22, please visit:
SR22 Form
SR22 Insurance